updaud = Update
On Submit - After Computations and Validations
Once Per Page Visit (default)
FOR i in 1..HTMLDB_APPLICATION.G_F01.COUNT LOOP update database set db_aud_tp = :P610_aud_tp_chg where db_id = htmldb_application.g_f01(i); END LOOP;
When Button Pressed (Process After Submit When this Button is Pressed)
The "delete_db" routine under the
Page Processing
On Submit - After Computations and Validations
Once Per Page Visit (default)
FOR i in 1..HTMLDB_APPLICATION.G_F01.COUNT LOOP delete from database where db_id = htmldb_application.g_f01(i); END LOOP;
Under "Processes"
"Before Header"
"PL/SQL anonymous block"
On Load - Before Header
This is the initialization procedure from a particular table, we are initializing the variables so we can make sure that there are no values already in the variable. We are also pre-calculating some items in here for some non database variables. Such as counts of databases by version, I'm simply doing a sql count for each of these to display on the screen someplace. Also I create a variable GPGFROM which I am setting to the page that it is on in order to go back to this page if I need to.
begin :P612_DB_NAME:=' '; :P612_DB_DESC:=' '; :P612_DB_CMT:=' '; :P612_QA_DT:=NULL; /* :P612_DB_INST_NM:=' '; */ :P612_DB_TYP:=' '; :P612_DB_VER:=' '; :P612_OS:=' '; :P612_OS_VER:=' '; :P612_DB_DBA_CRT:=' '; :P612_DB_DBA_QA:=' '; :P612_CRT_DT:=NULL; :P612_DB_DBA_PRI:=' '; :P612_DB_DBA_SEC:=' '; :P612_CST_ID:=' '; :P612_DBID:=' '; /* :P612_DB_MCH:=' '; */ :P612_DB_DSK_ALLOC:=0; :P612_DB_DSK_USED:=0; :P612_DB_BKP_FRQ:=' '; :P612_DB_DT_UPG:=NULL; :P612_DB_DT_NXT_UPG:=NULL; select count(*) into :P610_NO_DBS from database; select count(*) into :P610_NO_DBS_11G from database where db_ver ='' or db_ver='' or db_ver='' or db_ver='' or db_ver=''; select count(*) into :P610_NO_DBS_10G from database where db_ver ='' or db_ver='' or db_ver='' or db_ver='' or db_ver='' or db_ver=''; select count(*) into :P610_10203 from database where db_ver='' or db_ver=''; select count(*) into :P610_10204 from database where db_ver='' or db_ver=''; select count(*) into :P610_10205 from database where db_ver='' or db_ver=''; select count(*) into :P610_11201 from database where db_ver='' or db_ver=''; select count(*) into :P610_11202 from database where db_ver='' or db_ver=''; select count(*) into :P610_11203 from database where db_ver='' or db_ver=''; select count(*) into :P610_11204 from database where db_ver='' or db_ver=''; select count(*) into :P610_NO_DB_PRD from database where db_cat_tp ='Production'; select count(*) into :P610_NO_DB_TT from database where db_cat_tp ='Test' or substr(db_cat_tp,1,4)='Load'; select count(*) into :P610_NO_DB_CIT from database where db_cat_tp ='CIT'; select count(*) into :P610_NO_DB_SIT from database where db_cat_tp ='SIT'; select count(*) into :P610_NO_DB_UAT from database where substr(db_cat_tp,1,4)='User'; select count(*) into :P610_NO_DB_DEV from database where substr(db_cat_tp,1,3)='Dev'; :GPGFROM := 610; end;
Under "Page Processing"
FOR i in 1..HTMLDB_APPLICATION.G_F01.COUNT LOOP delete from database where db_id = htmldb_application.g_f01(i); END LOOP;