############################################################ # DBFS Functions # Use the following functions to install and maintain dbfs ############################################################ ############################################################ # dbfs_init - Initialize variables or other functions # dbfs_pre_inst - Check for OS params # dbfs_inst_fuse - Install FUSE libraries # dbfs_cfg_fuse - Config FUSE libraries # dbfs_chk_db_usr - # dbfs_cr_tblspc - Create DBFS tablespace # dbfs_drp_tblspc - Drop DBFS tablespace # dbfs_cr_usr - Create DBFS user # dbfs_drp_usr - Drop DBFS user # dbfs_cr_objs - Create DBFS objects # dbfs_cr_mnt_pnt - Create the DBFS mountpoint # dbfs_test_access - Test access to the DBFS directories # dbfs_inst_qa - QA the install # dbfs_sho - Stub only needs code # dbfs_status - Stub only needs code ############################################################ sho_dbfs_cmds() { echo "DBFS Installation commands" echo "==========================" echo "dbfs_init_fn.ksh - " echo "dbfs_cr_tblspc_cicm_fn.ksh - Create tablespace for CICM " echo "" echo "" echo "" echo "" echo "" echo "" echo "" echo "" echo "" echo "" echo "" echo "" } dbfs_init() { echo "dbfs_init........" echo "This is the var init process....." echo "Put any variables here needed for the process..." } dbfs_dbrd() { echo "DBFS Dashboard..............:" echo "=============================" echo echo "Oracle Home.............: "$ORACLE_HOME echo "Oracle Client Home......: "$ORA_CLI_HOME echo "ASM Diskgroup for DBFS..: " echo "Tablespace for DBFS.....: " echo "Mountpoint for DBFS.....: "$mntpnt echo "Date for logfile........: "$usedate echo echo "DBFS Mounts identified......." echo "=============================" echo df -ha|grep dbfs echo echo dbfs_svc_stat } dbfs_pre_inst() { echo echo "dbfs_pre_inst........" echo "Checking for uname -a for dbfs pre check....." echo echo uname -a echo echo echo "Checking for cat release....." echo echo cat /etc/*-release } dbfs_inst_fuse() ############################################################ # Install the FUSE libraries ############################################################ { ############################################################ # not sure how this will get done via bank environment ############################################################ yum install fuse fuse-libs kernel-devel } dbfs_cfg_fuse() ############################################################ # this is done as root # Config the FUSE sub-system ############################################################ { ls -IL /usr/bin/fusermount /sbin/modprobe fuse chmod 666 /dev/fuse echo "/sbin/modprobe fuse ">> /etc/rc.modules grep fuse /etc/group usermod -a -G fuse oracle grep fuse /etc/group id oracle } dbfs_chk_db_usr() ############################################################ # this is done as oracle ############################################################ { show user select name, created, from v\$database; } dbfs_cr_tblspc() { create bigfile tablespace dbfs_ts datafile 'XXXXXXX' size 1024M autoextend on next 100M maxsize 3G nologging extent management local autoallocate segment space management auto; } dbfs_drp_tblspc() { echo "TBD..." } dbfs_cr_usr() { create user dbfs_user identified by dbfs_user default tablespace dbfs_ts quota unlimited on dbfs_ts; grant create_session, create table, creaet view, create procedure, dbfs_role to dbfs_user; grant resource to dbfs_user; } dbfs_drp_usr() { echo "TBD..." } dbfs_cr_objs() { show user rdbms/admin/dbfs_create_filesystem.sql dbfs_ts FS1 create store begin dbms dbfs sfs.createFilesystem(store name => 'FS1', tbl name => 'FS1', tbl tbs =>'dbfs ts', lob tbs => 'dbfs ts', do partition => false register store mount store chmod store } dbfs_cr_mnt_pnt() ###################################### # create mount point # run as root ###################################### { flsystm=/u06dbfs su - echo echo "create dirs" echo mkdir $flsystm chown oracle:dba $flsystm ls -ld $flsystm } dbfs_test_access() { df -k sqlplus dbfs_user/dbfs_user@DBFSDB << EOF show user exit EOF id dbfs_client dbfs_user/dbfs_user@DBFSDB /u06dbfs }