# Script name..: mrcenv
# Description..: environment file for mrc consulting llc
#              : use this file so as not to impact / change
#              : customer .profile or .bash_profile
# Customer.....: <customer name>
# Author.......: Michael Culp
# Contact......: 
# Phone/text...: 864.999.9999 or 864.999.9999
# email........: mike.culp@gmail.com
# Created......: 10/16/2007
# Last modified: 10/17/2019
# Modified By..: Michael Culp
# Comments.....: Change the ORACLE_HOME, ORACLE_BASE, and GGS_HOME before using
#              : then simply . ./mrcenv in order to source it
# Script type..: environment source file
# Dependency...: none
# Revision History:
# REV      DATE          BY          DESCRIPTION
# ---    ---------   --------------  ------------------------------------------
# 1.0    09/17/2019  Michael Culp    Initial version of this
#                                    Change the values of vars for this customer
# 1.1    10/17/2019  Michael Culp    General clean-up


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