Naming of the database should include a descriptive identifier for the application usage of the database, if there is more than one application, a descriptive term should be applied to the collection of applications being used.

Database naming is as follows:


AAAAA          = This is a 5 char value for the application naming suite.
X                         = Database usage type (see appendix 5 for usage types)
YY                      = Sequential identifier for multiple databases of the
same usage types within a particular cluster.


This would identify a database as MRC in this case, and because there are not 5 chars. We force it to be 5 characters by filling in 2 additional characters (in this case XX) to force all database names to be uniform in size of 8 chars. Since the location is already identified in the cluster name there is no need to replicate it in the databases name, and has been omitted. The database type is ‘Test’ and it is the first MRCXX Test database in this cluster. Note: The sequential number could be extended to make it unique within the enterprise as well.

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