CloudPhone is good, not too expensive and easy to use. There are a few limits however....  CloudPhone

Recently discovered this site for doing conference calls for free, have now used it for several conf calls with good success,  Free Conference Calls


Messaging Service

Finding Employees

Recruiting Strategies

The number one mistake is one I have preached for a long time, treating employees like customers.


Cluster Factor

Using OSWatcher for system diags

OSWatcher BB Setup

Sometimes sending large files via email is not possible due to size limitations, many times you can do a "trial" where you can send a large file for free sometimes up to 2GB. Occasionally people will ask me how to get this accomplished.

I have used some of these and they are quite good to use in a pinch.


This one allows up to 4GB

Transfer Now

Another alternative is to upload your files to google docs and send a link to the person to allow them to download it.......if you have google docs this is a great alternative

Oracle Instant Client

Amazon Aurora

Here is an interesting situation for the cell single block physical read

cell single block physical read

Timezone Change

Last DDL date

World Default Date

Timestamp in insert statement

careful setting timezone

To change the Oracle timezone

Answer:  First, see my notes on Oracle timezone. To see your local time zone, enter:


The time_zone is normally set at database creation time:

create database . . .     set time_zone='+00:00';

To change the Oracle timezone for an existing Oracle database, change the time_zone parameter and then bounce the database.

alter database set time_zone = '-05:00'; 
shutdown immediate

For OMS, log into the OMS repository as the SYSMAN user, the above command 'emctl resetTZ agent' tells you exactly what needs to be executed in the repository.

SQL> exec mgmt_target.set_agent_tzrgn('', 'Etc/GMT-6');
SQL> commit;
SQL> emctl start agent -- (or emctl start dbconsole)


MOSC: Timestamps & time zones - Frequently Asked Questions Doc ID: Note:340512.1

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