This script will help determine IOPS being delivered from ExaData

# - a "sort of" end to end Exadata IO monitoring script
#     * inspired by
#       and modified to show end to end breakdown of IOPS, inter-database, consumer groups, and latency across Exadata storage cells
#     * you must use this script together with "iostat -xmd" on storage cells on both flash and spinning disk and database IO latency on 
#       system level (AWR) and session level (Tanel Poder's snapper) for a "real" end to end IO troubleshooting and monitoring
#     * the inter-database and consumer groups data is very useful for overall resource management and IORM configuration and troubleshooting 
#     * check out the sample viz that can be done by mining the data here
# Karl Arao, Oracle ACE (, OCP-DBA, RHCE, OakTable
# on any Exadata storage cell node you can run this one time
#     ./
# OR on loop spooling to a file and consume later with Tableau for visualization
#     while :; do ./ >> cell_iops.csv ; egrep "CS,ALL|DB,_OTHER_DATABASE_" cell_iops.csv ; sleep 60; echo "--"; done
# Here are the 19 column headers:
#     TM             - the time on each snap
#     CATEGORY       - CS (cell server - includes IOPS, MBs, R+W breakdown, latency), DB (database - IOPS, MBs), CG (consumer group - IOPS, MBs)
#     GROUP          - grouping per CATEGORY, it could be databases or consumer groups.. a pretty useful dimension in Tableau to drill down on IO
#     DISK_IOPS      - (applies to CS, DB, CG) high level spinning disk IOPS
#     FLASH_IOPS     - (applies to CS, DB, CG) high level flash disk IOPS
#     DISK_MBS       - (applies to CS, DB, CG) high level spinning disk MB/s (bandwidth)
#     FLASH_MBS      - (applies to CS, DB, CG) high level flash disk MB/s (bandwidth)
#     DISK_IOPS_R    - (applies to CS only) IOPS breakdown, spinning disk IOPS read
#     FLASH_IOPS_R   - (applies to CS only) IOPS breakdown, flash disk IOPS read
#     DISK_IOPS_W    - (applies to CS only) IOPS breakdown, spinning disk IOPS write
#     FLASH_IOPS_W   - (applies to CS only) IOPS breakdown, flash disk IOPS write
#     DLAT_RLG       - (applies to CS only) average latency breakdown, spinning disk large reads
#     FLAT_RLG       - (applies to CS only) average latency breakdown, flash disk large reads
#     DLAT_RSM       - (applies to CS only) average latency breakdown, spinning disk small reads
#     FLAT_RSM       - (applies to CS only) average latency breakdown, flash disk small reads
#     DLAT_WLG       - (applies to CS only) average latency breakdown, spinning disk large writes
#     FLAT_WLG       - (applies to CS only) average latency breakdown, flash disk large writes
#     DLAT_WSM       - (applies to CS only) average latency breakdown, spinning disk small writes
#     FLAT_WSM       - (applies to CS only) average latency breakdown, flash disk small writes
datafile=`echo /tmp/metriccurrentall.txt`
/usr/local/bin/dcli -l root -g /root/cell_group "cellcli -e list metriccurrent" > $datafile
export TM=$(date +%m/%d/%y" "%H:%M:%S)
# Header
# extract IOPS for cells
export DRW=`cat $datafile | egrep  'CD_IO_RQ_R_LG_SEC|CD_IO_RQ_R_SM_SEC|CD_IO_RQ_W_LG_SEC|CD_IO_RQ_W_SM_SEC' |grep  -v FD_ |sed 's/,//g'|awk 'BEGIN {w=0} {w=$4+w;} END {printf("%d\n",w);}'`
export FRW=`cat $datafile | egrep  'CD_IO_RQ_R_LG_SEC|CD_IO_RQ_R_SM_SEC|CD_IO_RQ_W_LG_SEC|CD_IO_RQ_W_SM_SEC' |grep  FD_ |sed 's/,//g'|awk 'BEGIN {w=0} {w=$4+w;} END {printf("%d\n",w);}'`
export DRWM=`cat $datafile | egrep  'CD_IO_BY_R_LG_SEC|CD_IO_BY_R_SM_SEC|CD_IO_BY_W_LG_SEC|CD_IO_BY_W_SM_SEC' |grep  -v FD_ |sed 's/,//g'|awk 'BEGIN {w=0} {w=$4+w;} END {printf("%d\n",w);}'`
export FRWM=`cat $datafile | egrep  'CD_IO_BY_R_LG_SEC|CD_IO_BY_R_SM_SEC|CD_IO_BY_W_LG_SEC|CD_IO_BY_W_SM_SEC' |grep  FD_ |sed 's/,//g'|awk 'BEGIN {w=0} {w=$4+w;} END {printf("%d\n",w);}'`
export DR=`cat $datafile | egrep  'CD_IO_RQ_R_LG_SEC|CD_IO_RQ_R_SM_SEC' |grep  -v FD_ |sed 's/,//g'|awk 'BEGIN {w=0} {w=$4+w;} END {printf("%d\n",w);}'`
export FR=`cat $datafile | egrep  'CD_IO_RQ_R_LG_SEC|CD_IO_RQ_R_SM_SEC' |grep  FD_ |sed 's/,//g'|awk 'BEGIN {w=0} {w=$4+w;} END {printf("%d\n",w);}'`
export DW=`cat $datafile | egrep  'CD_IO_RQ_W_LG_SEC|CD_IO_RQ_W_SM_SEC' |grep  -v FD_ |sed 's/,//g'|awk 'BEGIN {w=0} {w=$4+w;} END {printf("%d\n",w);}'`
export FW=`cat $datafile | egrep  'CD_IO_RQ_W_LG_SEC|CD_IO_RQ_W_SM_SEC' |grep  FD_ |sed 's/,//g'|awk 'BEGIN {w=0} {w=$4+w;} END {printf("%d\n",w);}'`
export DLATRLG=`cat $datafile | egrep  'CD_IO_TM_R_LG_RQ' |grep  -v FD_ |sed 's/,//g'|awk 'BEGIN {sum=0;count=0} {sum+=$4;++count} END {printf("%.2f",(sum/count)/1000);}'`
export FLATRLG=`cat $datafile | egrep  'CD_IO_TM_R_LG_RQ' |grep  FD_ |sed 's/,//g'|awk 'BEGIN {sum=0;count=0} {sum+=$4;++count} END {printf("%.2f",(sum/count)/1000);}'`
export DLATRSM=`cat $datafile | egrep  'CD_IO_TM_R_SM_RQ' |grep  -v FD_ |sed 's/,//g'|awk 'BEGIN {sum=0;count=0} {sum+=$4;++count} END {printf("%.2f",(sum/count)/1000);}'`
export FLATRSM=`cat $datafile | egrep  'CD_IO_TM_R_SM_RQ' |grep  FD_ |sed 's/,//g'|awk 'BEGIN {sum=0;count=0} {sum+=$4;++count} END {printf("%.2f",(sum/count)/1000);}'`
export DLATWLG=`cat $datafile | egrep  'CD_IO_TM_W_LG_RQ' |grep  -v FD_ |sed 's/,//g'|awk 'BEGIN {sum=0;count=0} {sum+=$4;++count} END {printf("%.2f",(sum/count)/1000);}'`
export FLATWLG=`cat $datafile | egrep  'CD_IO_TM_W_LG_RQ' |grep  FD_ |sed 's/,//g'|awk 'BEGIN {sum=0;count=0} {sum+=$4;++count} END {printf("%.2f",(sum/count)/1000);}'`
export DLATWSM=`cat $datafile | egrep  'CD_IO_TM_W_SM_RQ' |grep  -v FD_ |sed 's/,//g'|awk 'BEGIN {sum=0;count=0} {sum+=$4;++count} END {printf("%.2f",(sum/count)/1000);}'`
export FLATWSM=`cat $datafile | egrep  'CD_IO_TM_W_SM_RQ' |grep  FD_ |sed 's/,//g'|awk 'BEGIN {sum=0;count=0} {sum+=$4;++count} END {printf("%.2f",(sum/count)/1000);}'`
# extract IOPS for database
export db_str=`cat $datafile | egrep 'DB_FD_IO_RQ_LG_SEC' | grep -v DBUA | awk '{ print $3}' | sort | uniq`
for db_name in `echo $db_str`
  # Calculate Total IOPS of harddisk
  db_drw=`cat $datafile | egrep 'DB_IO_RQ_LG_SEC|DB_IO_RQ_SM_SEC' |grep $db_name |sed 's/,//g'|awk 'BEGIN {w=0} {w=$4+w;} END {printf("%d\n",w);}'`
  # Calculate Total IOPS of flashdisk
  db_frw=`cat $datafile | egrep 'DB_FD_IO_RQ_LG_SEC|DB_FD_IO_RQ_SM_SEC' |grep $db_name |sed 's/,//g'|awk 'BEGIN {w=0} {w=$4+w;} END {printf("%d\n",w);}'`
  # Calculate Total MB/s of harddisk
  db_drwm=`cat $datafile | egrep 'DB_IO_BY_SEC' |grep $db_name |sed 's/,//g'|awk 'BEGIN {w=0} {w=$4+w;} END {printf("%d\n",w);}'`
  # Calculate Total MB/s of flashdisk
  db_frwm=`cat $datafile | egrep 'DB_FC_IO_BY_SEC|DB_FD_IO_BY_SEC|DB_FL_IO_BY_SEC' |grep $db_name |sed 's/,//g'|awk 'BEGIN {w=0} {w=$4+w;} END {printf("%d\n",w);}'`
  print "$TM,DB,$db_name,$db_drw,$db_frw,$db_drwm,$db_frwm,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0"
# extract IOPS for DBRM consumer groups
export cg_str=`cat $datafile | egrep 'CG_FD_IO_RQ_LG_SEC' | grep -v DBUA | awk '{ print $3}' | sort | uniq`
for cg_name in `echo $cg_str`
  # Calculate Total IOPS of harddisk
  cg_drw=`cat $datafile | egrep 'CG_IO_RQ_LG_SEC|CG_IO_RQ_SM_SEC' |grep $cg_name |sed 's/,//g'|awk 'BEGIN {w=0} {w=$4+w;} END {printf("%d\n",w);}'`
  # Calculate Total IOPS of flashdisk
  cg_frw=`cat $datafile | egrep 'CG_FD_IO_RQ_LG_SEC|CG_FD_IO_RQ_SM_SEC' |grep $cg_name |sed 's/,//g'|awk 'BEGIN {w=0} {w=$4+w;} END {printf("%d\n",w);}'`
  # Calculate Total MB/s of harddisk
  cg_drwm=`cat $datafile | egrep 'CG_IO_BY_SEC' |grep $cg_name |sed 's/,//g'|awk 'BEGIN {w=0} {w=$4+w;} END {printf("%d\n",w);}'`
  # Calculate Total MB/s of flashdisk
  cg_frwm=`cat $datafile | egrep 'CG_FC_IO_BY_SEC|CG_FD_IO_BY_SEC' |grep $cg_name |sed 's/,//g'|awk 'BEGIN {w=0} {w=$4+w;} END {printf("%d\n",w);}'`
  print "$TM,CG,$cg_name,$cg_drw,$cg_frw,$cg_drwm,$cg_frwm,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0"

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