This is a library for DDL Operations
This will be the repository of the functions



# read the environment file for gg here
# . /var/opt/oracle/.ggsora12_env
# info extract <extract name>
# send EP1ALSDM, report

echo "Extract detail................."

/oracle/product/12.1/gg_1/ggsci <<EOF

sh date

send <extract name>, status

send <extract name>, showtrans

send <extract name> getlag

stats <extract name> totalsonly *.*, reportrate sec

info <extract name>, showch



# function Name: cr_dba_gg_tst_usr
# Description..: Create schema/user for golden gate testing
# Author.......: Michael Culp
# Date.........: 05/09/2016
# Version......: 1.0
# Modified By..:
# Date Modified:
# Comments.....:
# Schema owner.: DBA_GG_TST
#    alter session set current
# Login User...:
# Run Order....:
# Dependent on.:

sqlplus -s "/ as sysdba" <<EOF

set echo on
set feed on
set time on
set timing on

spool logs/cr_dba_gg_tst_usr.log

-- drop role GG_APP_ROLE;
-- GG_APP_ROLE (Role)
-- create role CST_L01_APP_ROLE not identified;
-- grant create session to cst_L01_APP_ROLE;
-- grant create synonym to cst_L01_APP_ROLE;

-- drop role cst_L01_VIEW_ROLE;
-- cst_L01_VIEW_ROLE  (Role)
-- create role CST_L01_VIEW_ROLE not identified;
-- grant create session to cst_L01_VIEW_ROLE;

-- CREATE USER dba_gg_test (Schema Owner GoldenGate Test user)

drop user DBA_GG_TST cascade;

create user DBA_GG_TST identified by gg5d01_o
  default tablespace mrcxx_data
  temporary tablespace temp
  profile exempt_app_profile;

grant create session to DBA_GG_TST;
grant dba to DBA_GG_TST;
alter user DBA_GG_TST quota unlimited on mrcxx_data;

-- grant application_owner_role to cst_L01_owner;
-- revoke unlimited tablespace from cst_L01_owner;
-- alter user cst_L01_owner default role all;

-- CREATE USER CST_L01_USER (User Account)

-- drop user cst_L01_user cascade;

-- create user cst_L01_user identified by c5td01_u
--  default tablespace mrcxx_data
--  temporary tablespace temp
--  profile exempt_app_profile;

-- grant CST_L01_APP_ROLE to CST_L01_USER;
-- revoke unlimited tablespace from cst_L01_user;
-- alter user cst_L01_user quota unlimited on mrcxx_data;
-- alter user cst_L01_user default role all;

-- CREATE USER cst_L01_read (READ ONLY Account)

-- drop user cst_L01_read cascade;

-- create user cst_L01_read identified by c5td01_r
--  default tablespace piper_data
--  temporary tablespace temp
--  profile exempt_app_profile;

-- grant cst_L01_VIEW_ROLE to cst_L01_read;
-- revoke unlimited tablespace from cst_L01_read;
-- alter user cst_L01_read quota unlimited on piper_data;
-- alter user cst_L01_read default role all;

spool off



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