########################################################## # # MCulp 06/2019 # gi_common.ksh # Author: Michael Culp mike.culp@gmail.com # : 864-630-2118 # ########################################################## gi_init() # Set parameters here for other functions to use { clear echo echo "Test..." echo GRID_HOME=/manh/oracle_crs/product/18.1.0/crs_1a } gi_net_test() { scnm=$1 clear echo echo "Testing "$scnm" 6 times" echo # nslookup fadmanh18-scan nslookup $scnm nslookup $scnm nslookup $scnm nslookup $scnm nslookup $scnm nslookup $scnm #ping #ping #ping } gi_cr_dirs() ########################################### # Execute as root ########################################### { echo echo "Creating directories applicable for RAC 18c..." echo # Create grid dirs # Inventory location mkdir -p /manh/oraInventory # mkdir -p /u01/app/18.0.0/grid mkdir -p /manh/18.0.0/grid # mkdir -p /u01/app/grid mkdir -p /manh/grid # mkdir -p /u01/app/oracle mkdir -p /manh/oracle # This for the GRID software mkdir -p /manh/oracle_crs/product/18.1.0/crs_1a mkdir -p /manh/oracle_crs/product/18.1.0/crs_1b # This for the DB software mkdir -p /manh/oracle/product/18.4.0/db_1a mkdir -p /manh/oracle/product/18.4.0/db_1b # chown -R grid:oinstall /u01 chown -R grid:oinstall /manh # chown oracle:oinstall /u01/app/oracle chown -R oracle:oinstall /manh/oracle # chmod -R 775 /u01 chmod -R 775 /manh echo echo "Directories created...." echo } gi_cpy_rsp_fl() { echo echo "test cp..." echo cp /ora01/Oracle_SW/fd_response_files/fd_fadmanh_180_grid_setup.rsp /manh/oracle_crs/product/18.1.0/crs_1a/install/response chown grid:oinstall /manh/oracle_crs/product/18.1.0/crs_1a/install/response/fd_fadmanh_180_grid_setup.rsp } gi_inst() ########################################################## # Install GRID via response file ########################################################## { GRID_HOME=/oracle_crs/ # Copy response file to Grid installation folder cp /ora01/Oracle_SW/fd_response_files/fd_fadmanh_180_grid_setup.rsp /manh/oracle_crs/product/18.1.0/crs_1a/install/response chown grid:oinstall /manh/oracle_crs/product/18.1.0/crs_1a/install/response/fd_fadmanh_180_grid_setup.rsp # Set GRID_HOME first in gi_init or # here before executing cd $GRID_HOME unset ORACLE_BASE cd /manh/oracle_crs/product/18.1.0/crs_1a $GRID_HOME/gridSetup.sh -silent -responseFile /ora01/Oracle_SW/fd_response_files/fd_fadmanh_180_grid_setup.rsp # Install Grid software $GRID_HOME/gridSetup.sh -silent -responseFile /manh/oracle_crs/product/18.1.0/crs_1a/install/response/fd_fadmanh_180_grid_setup.rsp } gi_extr_sw_fn() ##################################################### # unzip the distribution files ##################################################### { # Could do this next in one step # gi_cr_dirs unzip -u -o /ora01/Oracle_SW/gi180/LINUX.X64_180000_grid_home.zip -d /manh/oracle_crs/product/18.1.0/crs_1a chown -R grid:oinstall /manh/oracle_crs/product/18.1.0/crs_1a } gi_deinst() ############################################################ # Login as grid ############################################################ { cd /manh/oracle_crs/product/18.1.0/crs_1a/deinstall ./deinstall rm -fr /manh/oraInventory rm /etc/oraInst.loc } gi_symlink() ############################################################ # Create symlinks to bounce between versions # use crs_1 to install ############################################################ { ln -s /manh/oracle_crs/product/18.1.0/crs_1a /manh/oracle_crs/product/18.1.0/crs_1 ln -s /manh/oracle_crs/product/18.1.0/crs_1a /manh/oracle_crs/product/18.1.0/crs_1 tar -cvf } gi_cv_hwos() ############################################### # Cluster Verify Network Verification # su to grid user prior to run # Can run as the oracle user ############################################### { # ndlist=$1 echo echo "Cluster verify output..." echo "Nodes : "$ndlist echo cd /ora01/Oracle_SW/gi180 # ./runcluvfy.sh stage -post hwos -n fd-dcomsdev1t,fd-dcomsdev2t -verbose > hwos.log # ./runcluvfy.sh stage -post hwos -n fd-dcomsdev1t,fd-dcomsdev2t -verbose ./runcluvfy.sh stage -post hwos -n $ndlist -verbose } gi_cv_crsinst() { # ndlist=$1 echo echo "Cluster verify output...pre crsinst...." echo "Nodes : "$ndlist echo cd /ora01/Oracle_SW/gi180 # ./runcluvfy stage -pre crsinst -n fd-dcomsdev1t,fd-dcomsdev2t -verbose ./runcluvfy.sh stage -pre crsinst -n $ndlist -verbose }