Oracle Goldengate on DBFS for RAC and Exadata

Let us take a look at the process of configuring Golden Gate 12c to work in an Oracle 12c Grid Infrastructure RAC or Exadata environment using DBFS on Linux x86-64.

This is now supported on ACFS as well, which may outperform the DBFS solution.

Simply put the Oracle Database File System (DBFS) is a standard file system interface on top of files and directories that are stored in database tables as LOBs.

Until recently Exadata did not support using ACFS but ACFS is now supported on version of the RAC Grid Infrastructure.

In summary the steps involved are:

1) Install and configure FUSE (Filesystem in Userspace)
2) Create the DBFS user and DBFS tablespaces
3) Mount the DBFS filesystem
5) Create symbolic links for the Goldengate software directories dirchk,dirpcs, dirdat, BR to point to directories on DBFS
6) Create the Application VIP
7) Download the script from MOS and edit according to our environment
8) Create the DBFS Cluster Resource
9) Download and install the Oracle Grid Infrastructure Bundled Agent
10) Register Goldengate with the bundled agents using agctl utility

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