#   FILENAME: .profile_env
#   PURPOSE: Custom environment variables or additions to the PATH may be
#            placed here.  You can edit anything in this file, this file is
#            used to customize the environment.
#  Revision History:
#  REV   DATE         BY        DESCRIPTION
#  ---  ------  --------------  -------------------------------------------
# #############################################################################
# You may change any of these values as needed for your environment
# /orgtools = can be setup for a standard place to put your organizations software tools

export SUNWspro=/opt/SUNWspro
# C compiler directory
# export MAIL=/var/mail/oracle
# Location of oracle mail file
# export MAILMSG="You have mail."
# Mail Message to display
# export PBROKER=/orgtools/pbrun/3.2/bin
# Location of PowerBroker
#export FGLHOME=/oracle/dba/foglight/4.2
# Current version of Foglight
# export FGL_DIR=/oracle/dba/foglight/fgl_5/bin
# export FGL_STOP_CMD="stop.sh"
# export FGL_START_CMD="start.sh -d"

# Additional PATH locations
# umask 022
# Default permissions 744
# ulimit -n 1024
# Number files opened at once
# resize
# V1.2 Issue a "resize" if needed
# For application servers with no database, set to "no_db" and put an entry
# #   FILENAME: .profile_env                                            
# #                                                                           
# #   PURPOSE: Custom environment variables or additions to the PATH may be   
# #       placed here.  You can edit anything in this file, this file is 
# #            used to customize the environment.                         
# #                                                                           
# ############################################################################# #                                                                           
# #  Revision History:                                                        
# #                                                                           
# #  REV   DATE         BY        DESCRIPTION                                 
# #  ---  ------  --------------  ------------------------------------------- 
# ############################################################################# 
# You may change any of these values as needed for your environment         

export SUNWspro=/opt/SUNWspro             
# C compiler directory            
# export MAIL=/var/mail/oracle              
# Location of oracle mail file    
# export MAILMSG="You have mail."           
# Mail Message to display         
# export PBROKER=/banktools/pbrun/3.2/bin   
# Location of PowerBroker         
#export FGLHOME=/oracle/dba/foglight/4.2  
# Current version of Foglight     
# export FGL_DIR=/oracle/dba/foglight/fgl_5/bin                               
# export FGL_STOP_CMD="stop.sh"                                               
# export FGL_START_CMD="start.sh -d"                                          

# Additional PATH locations         
# umask 022                               
# Default permissions 744           
#ulimit -n 1024                         
# Number files opened at once       
# resize                                
# V1.2 Issue a "resize" if needed   

# Default ORACLE_SID.  CHANGE THIS VALUE BELOW                              
# For application servers with no database, set to "no_db" and put an entry 
#   as follows in your oratab:  no_db:<oracle_path>:N                       

if [[ ${NEW_ORACLE_SID:-0} = 0 ]];
   # If NEW_ORACLE_SID is not set
# Default ORACLE_SID 

# You may add any other custom variables to this section as needed.         
# Be aware that .profile WILL override if you choose the same variable names#

export NLS_DATE_FORMAT='DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS' ############################################################################# # This was set in the .std_profile but is commented out there in favor of here export ORACLE_BASE=/oracle

export RSP=/oracle/admin/scripts/rspfiles export TMPLT=/oracle/product/ export ADMSCR=/oracle/admin/scripts export DIAG=/oracle/diag export TRCOUT=/oracle/diag/rdbms/dpodst01/DPODST011/trace alias admscr='cd $ADMSCR' alias tmplt='cd $TMPLT' alias rsp='cd $RSP' alias trcout='cd $TRCOUT'

alias gi='cd /oracle_crs/product/11.2.0/crs_1/log/$SNAME' 
alias ocssd='cd /oracle_crs/product/11.2.0/crs_1/log/$SNAME/cssd' 
alias crsd='cd /oracle_crs/product/11.2.0/crs_1/log/$SNAME/crsd'
alias vial='vi $ADMIN/$DB_NAME/bdump/alert_$DB_NAME.log' 
alias diag='cd $DIAG/rdbms/$DBNAME'

alias lv='ls -v ' 
alias rd='rmdir ' 
alias md='mkdir ' 
alias pg='less -EF ' 
alias pgn='less -EFN '

######### GOLDEN GATE SETUP #######################

export GGS_ORA_HOME=/ggate/ggs
ulimit -c unlimited
ulimit -s unlimited

######### Last Statement of: .profile_env #########

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